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文章作者:佚名    时间:2024-01-04 01:04:40


1、In years, has been . More and more leave their own to go for their . They say that they can with and in those . By with or a long time

2、with them, a is to them. By the time they come back home, they are to have a great over the at home in many ways. I quite agree with what they say.There are many . , going will our and those d


3、 will us to study . , will gain us a lot of , which is to be in our own . , as we are alone when study , it our to on . , it us

4、with a good to make with , which will us . Last but not the least, when we our , we will be with job and it means we could a .But one fact Id like to them of is that quite a of


5、 stay as they cant what they hope for, let alone . When they are , they are and have to be , which is quite to what it is at home. They lack ; they cant even tell right and wrong apart, and as a some of

6、them even ., it is good or not to study on the . So take more into .近年来,出国留学已经流行。越来越多的学生离开自己的祖国去国外进修。他们说在先进设施和教学方法的现代学校中能得到更好的1 / 2发展。通过与国外的学生的交流或住很长一段时间, 他们能得到很宝贵的经验。当他们回国的时候, 他们应该有许多方面比在国内学生有很大优势。我很同意他们所说的。我认为出国留学

7、很多好处。首先,出国留学可以拓展我们的视野并且我们可以接触到发达国家的东西。 这样可以激励我们更加努力的学习。第二,出国留学可以使我们获得很多在自己国家得不到的东西。第三,出国留学时,我们独自一人,这样可以培养我们的独立能力。第四,出国留学使我们有好的机会接触到外国人。最重要的是,当我们完成学业时, 我们可以找到一份好的工作, 它意味着我们可以有一个好的未来。但有一个事实我想提醒他们的是,相当一部分留学生失望,因为他们不能得到他们所希望的 让一个人的成功。当他们在国外的时候,他们无助必须要独立,这是和在家里是完全相反的。他们缺乏独立性;他们甚至不能区分正确和错误,结果其中一些甚至犯罪。因此,出国留学无论是好还是坏取完全决于个人,所以要仔细考虑更多的因素。2 / 2

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