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study abroad 出国留学

文章作者:佚名    时间:2024-01-05 07:02:13


In years, and of leave their homes to study in such as , , and so on. What's more, A large of who study are at young age. Why do they do it? The is of .

has tow sides. Not only has the but also has , . On one hand, the are more in , and , can have . On the other hand , have . with on their own is also a kind of . learn about the of other , they can their of self–. It's for us to in the . Not only can they make more ,but also they can learn more .

But and in can also have its . On one hand, if the ' age is too small, it's for them to solve the of life. They bear a great , not just the life ,but more of . Today's lack of ,live a long time in , the kind of and , not can ! On the other hand,study is .A lot of do not have this . It's to adapt to the local and hard to with other . So I think that when have a , and good to adapt, they can to study .


As we know,There is that there are many in study . In my .For some , they can the large cost in .Due to the rapid of in years, study has an trend.

If I have the to go to study, I want to go to USA. First of all.I Will learn the local ,so that i can solve the . Then, I Will the .I must be , my goal is to get a 's . Then, IWill work for a few yeas after I .It can help me to , and then,I Will go to the city of to apply for a staff. But I can't stay in a all the time. In order to serve the ,i Will to our "Big House" when I a good . I that many dream to study . I am no ! There are many good for us to in the world ! So I want to go . In this way ,I can learn more and .


To be , has so many .Good luck for you if you plan to study !

近年来,成千上万的人离开他们舒适的家园到国家留学,如美国,加拿大,英国等。更重要的是,很多出国留学的人都很年轻。他们为什么这样做呢?这个问题是值得认真思考的。 凡事都有两面。不仅具有优势,但也有缺点,包括出国留学。一方面,发达国家有更先进的教育,理念和教学设施,学生可以获得更好的教育。在另一方面,不同的国家有不同的文化。与不同的人交流对自己也是一种经历。人们了解其他国家的文化,他们可以提高他们的修养内涵。它对我们在未来的发展有好处。他们不仅可以结交更多的朋友,而且可以学习更多的语言。 但在另一个国家生活和学习也有它的问题。一方面,如果学生的年龄太小,他们很难解决生活上的问题。他们承受了巨大的压力,不只是生活中的压力,但更多的心理压力。今天的学生缺乏经验,在异国他乡生活久了,那种思乡之情和持续的孤独感,不是每个人都可以处理的!在另一方面,出国留学很贵。很多家庭都没有这个能力。要适应当地的风俗以及和别人交谈也很难。所以我认为,当学生有一个强健的体魄,积极的态度和良好的适应能力时,他们再可以考虑出国留学。 正如我们所知,我们不能否认在外国留学的好处。在我看来,对于一些富裕的家庭,他们可以负担得起国外昂贵的开支。因为近年来经济的飞速发展,出国留学已成为一种潮流。 如果我有机会出国留学,我想去美国。首先,我会学习当地语言,这样我可以解决语言障碍。然后,我会选择修习电脑知识。我一定要勤奋,因为我的目标是获得一个硕士学委。然后我会工作几年积累经验。然后,我会去著名的城市美国硅谷申请做技术人员。但我不能一直留在国外。为了报效祖国,当我成为一名优秀的技术人才,我会回到我们的"大房子"。我相信很多人的梦想出国留学。我也不例外!世界上有许多美好的东西等着我们去发现!所以,我想出国。这样一来,我可以学到更多的知识和文化。 说实话,出国留学真的有很多好处。祝你好运,如果你打算出国留学!

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