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文章作者:佚名    时间:2024-01-05 08:08:59






: In this , you are going to read a with ten to it. Each given in one of the . the from which the is . You may a more than once. Each is with a the by the on Sheet 2.

A) Today, it is not , but that the of the world. The of our time may be how to deal with . So the book, , by Art . It is an to of the the world's . This book tells the of 21 , , and areas that are to . It tells each story the voice of a of the tribe .Mr. their words. Art Wolfe and John Isaac took of them. The the Club the book.

B) The live far apart in North or South , or Asia. Yet their are . They are the march of in an to keep and their alive. Some of them ways most of the time. Some ways most of the time. They have one foot in world and one foot in world. They hope to to these two . Yet the to their and join the world may be too great.

C) of , the Nobel Peace Prize in 1992, her in the of the book . She notes that many claim that are like from the past. They are ruins that have died. She . She says are not of the past. They have a , and they have much and to offer the rest of the world.


D) Art of miles the world while on the book. He to many to their and . Mr. notes that their are the same. want to ~ he says. They want to raise their the way they were . They want their to speak their , their own . They want them to have their ' and . Mr. says the 's cries are the same: "Does our have to die? Do we have to as a ?"

E) Art lived for more than 25 years among in the state of . He says his in began his when he found an stone . The was used as a to hunt food. The was an , long dead. Mr. then that had lived in the state of , right where he was . And it was then, he says, that he first : "Where are they? Where did they go? "He found to his early . Many of the had . They were off their lands. Or they were in . Or they died from by new . Other , but they had to fight to the of the world.

F) The Gwich'in are an of the . They have lived in what is now and for 10,000 years. Now about 5,000 Gwich'in . They are . They hunt the , a large deer with big horns that the huge of the far north. For , they have used all parts of the : the meat for food, the skins for , the bones for tools. is the way of life of the Gwich'in.

G) One Gwich'in told Art of from his . It was a time when the tribe lived in its own of the world. He spoke to Mr. in these words: "As long as I can , would sit by a fire on the every and . His job was to look for . If he saw a , he would wave his arms or he would make his fire to give off more smoke. Then the would come to life! ran up to the . The to be at its best at these . We were all with and !"

H) About ten years ago, the world the quiet world of the Gwich' in. Oil to drill for oil in the . This area was the where the gave birth to their young. The Gwich'in the would . One Gwich' in woman the in these words: "Oil the . If the are , then the are . Oil and do not seem to . They do not come into our homes and share our food. They have never tried to the in our songs and our . They have not seen the old cry. Our have seen parts of our . They worry that our may ."

I) A with a oil (驳回,打消) the fears of the Gwich'in. He also says they have no . They will have to . The Gwich' in, , are . They took legal to stop the oil . But they won only a ban on oil in the . on other , as Art in his book. The come from , dam that flood lands, and and the , lands, and lives of such as the of Peru, the of and the Ainu of Japan.

J) The has been in for 22 years. It tries to the and of the world. It has about 12,000 . And it help from a large of who work pay. is of the . He says the has three main jobs. It does and . It works with . And it for goods by .

K) Late last year, a book State of the : a Human on in . The book from who work for , from on , and from . The book the of and . It about , the Penan of and the be of North . And it the names of to for , and the press.

L) David May bury-Lewis the . Mr. May bury-Lewis rob of their lives, lands, or . About 6,000 are left in the world. A group is one that has its own . It has a long-term link to a . And it has . says works to the of , not just . He says the would like to a of early when these are .Mr. notes that a have been going on and will . Such , he says, be . But they do not have to . What wants is to help set up that lead to of . These , he says, are a lot less than war.


46. , the Nobel Peace Prize in 1992, for the book .

47. The book not only words, but also .

48. Art 's in was by an stone he found in his , which was once used by an .

49. The are very hard to the world and the world.

50. By with them, Art finds that the the world to .

51. Most of the Gwich'in are , who live on .

52. is an which aims at the and of the world.

53. to , the .would like to a of early when a 's are to be .

54. The book State of the : a Human on in the of and .

55. The Gwich' in tried to stop oil from for oil in the for fear that it drive the away

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