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大学创意招生文案范文英语通用20篇.docx 12页

文章作者:佚名    时间:2024-01-06 05:06:23


-大学创意招生文案范文英语通用20篇大学创意招生文案范文英语 第一篇大学创意招生文案范文英语 第三篇大学创意招生文案范文英语 第八篇大学创意招生文案范文英语 第九篇 make on line ?Some say helps make many on line, can more their and ,and even get help with their .,,think say on line is a waste of time,which be spent more on ,some get on line .It is my that place their study, and other for ,we can find it in our and other us . 大学创意招生文案范文英语 第十篇 , our often give some onus to the in their eyes. it is one of the , it is in some .So, an the , in the .To have high , both and take the .So, if can the for every , it will be for .As no one will be , can their on from .Thus, it is and . 大学创意招生文案范文英语 第十一篇 then, the of the zhu asked us to guess a line of a poem to the above . he added that li alone was born in the year of the dog and the other three were all born in the year of the . they left us all in .and it was our who was . he our, day as the cock crows three times at dawn.xxx the hall after that, they had item. this time li was in the of the .while he was there, the other three stood him, each down to him at an angle of 120 . it was an idiom.this time i got it right: dog out among a group of .xxx 大学创意招生文案范文英语 第十二篇 When I was a girl I to grow up. I think a child doesn't has can't do .But now I have grow upto my feel more tired have more I can do I don't feel happy at all.I you also have the same with me. when every us was a to grow up but when we a older manwe don't have such nice life as wish.So we are or we try to make our life make more happy. we try our best to study hard then we can let have goog life too!Let's do our best to do ! ! You are the best! 大学创意招生文案范文英语 第十三篇 My is the . Why? I have lots of fun at the .The is a in our . It is in or . Our get . We have a big at my ' home. I eat a lot of food. My and me both get red from our . My go with me. We buy some nice for . We often watch TV at home and read books or surf the . , we greet other on the phone.I'm happy at the . Which is your ? 大学创意招生文案范文英语 第十四篇 Great in My I used to live in a small town with trees all . There was no tall and the only was .Just the town, there was a river.You can see kinds of fish in the clear water. here lived a life. Great have taken place here.You can see tall , big and . kinds of cars and buses are in the big . But with the of the , we have fewer trees. Air and water is more and more . We must do to stop and make our town even more . 大学创意招生文案范文英语 第十五篇 are more and more among the . Some think that it is easy to use them to keep in touch with and ,they can be used to to music or take . But think that we don't need to talk with and with , we meet them every day. And may our study.In my ,it's not wrong to the ,but the most thing is how to use the phone in a right way. 大学创意招生文案范文英语 第十六篇 with the of , more and more today are the of . for a , its upon the moral and level of its . for a , a good means a good job and the of a good life. is a way to . no so many the of , for few don't want to lead a happy life and have a .i agree with the of on the whole, but we must that will bring about some , first of all, more will have to share the . as a , there will be among , which will add to their which is very heavy., we take a the . the will in far more than . as , we the to go to , we try to gain as much as we can on the one hand and our on the other. in this way, we can do our share to help our . 大学创意招生文案范文英语 第十七篇 or not is a . Some in my think that is right first of all. It can the of the , it can save a lot of .This is the right of the , these can the they like. My other do not agree with the . It the of our and is not to the of our , the way of has its own .For the and , if we give up this way, we must find an way, which may the of many and the basic side if most , many will be . I don't agree with the . I think we to the and , the facts have that it is true.中文翻译:大学应该还是不应该自主招生,这是一个激烈的讨论。


我学校的一些学生认为自主招生首先是正确的,它可以减轻大学的负担,因为它可以节省很多程序,这是大学自己的权利,因为这些大学可以选择自己喜欢的学生。我的其他同学首先不同意自主招生考试,它抛弃了我们的文化优势,不利于传播我们的文化,因为传统的招生方式有其自身的好处对于和学生,如果我们放弃这种方式,我们必须找到一种未知的方式,这可能会牺牲许多学生的利益,而且会误导基础教育方法,因为如果大多数大学都是自主招生的话,很多课程都会被忽略,我不同意自主招生考试,我认为我们应该坚持成功和持续的招生方法,因为事实证明这是事实。标签: 大学创意招生文案范文英语 第十八篇 1、相信家长的选择和我们的实力,会使孩子的成绩更加优异!2、给您孩子一个环境,成就你您孩子的一生!3、征服语言,征服世界。4、快乐学英语,轻松成精英。5、悉心栽培,作育英材。6、我们眼里没有丑小鸭,我们让每个小天鹅起舞!7、诚意造就创意,创意激发活力!8、让平凡的孩子开始优秀,让优秀的孩子成为精英。9、无数次的抱怨,何不认真的选择。10、精英乐园,让你收获快乐,精通英语。11、中国未来造就未来中国学好英语,连接世界。12、培养孩子的现在就是确保孩子的将来。



40、与世界相连,从这里开始 。41、把每个孩子的一生变成一个美丽的传说。42、英语是国际最通用的语言,让您的孩子成为国际上最优秀的人才。43、孩子的一切,选择了给孩子一切的学校!44、孩子新摇篮,成功新起点 。45、一个单词,一个梦想;一句英文,一生幸福!46、英语汉语两只手,握紧双拳天下走!47、为孩子选择一所合适的学校,为孩子选择一个光明的未来。48、孩子的成就是我们的追求。49、孩子的未来,我们的责任!50、只要你来,我让你与世界同步。51、我们一同努力,让孩子赢在起跑线。52、捧一颗感恩的心,呵护好孩子五彩的天空,尽最大的努力帮助他们茁壮的成长。53、孩子的将来,就在你手中!54、让您的孩子早点启航!55、让孩子在快乐中成长,在教育中成才。56、把握孩子的现在,成就孩子的将来。57、让考试不再是孩子的负担,让成绩不再是家长的烦恼。58、英语从小学,运用更熟练!59、抓住现在,成就未来。60、掌握英语,掌握未来! 大学创意招生文案范文英语 第十九篇 In years, my has , of new road and has been built. , my was to the world. years ago, the paid much money on the basic of my . new roads is the . It took about half a year to build the new road. After , have more to make money.And we have more with other , which is a good way to . About two years , the was built. After that, there have been more and more in my . Now, my has into a big and rich town. live a happy life. 大学创意招生文案范文英语 第二十篇 A has five are Ted,Bob,Tom,John and Bill. John has no elder . He was four years older when his first was born.The of Tom's elder is equal to his . Bill will be -one years old next year, and he is five years older than Bob. Bob is two years than Tom. Ted was sad he has no .There are years him and John.

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