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文章作者:佚名    时间:2024-01-03 14:03:03


For the ’s Oct. 19 issue on , and items to from a dozen . Below, from in to silk in to in .





the of one of ’s ’ can feel like into the past. Curly wood , from the pine to ebony, to the floor as hone a few into works of art. It’s work — all done by hand — with and the of them over the last . The of even the most maxes out at two per month.



The will go out the door, with and metal , to from the globe. But here in , the tiny and the tools — as well as the last names of the them — have often not in .


My first with , or ( ), took place deep in the heart of ’s , where I went for one and found .


The door is open at Conde’s shop (Calle ía 1; ), a tiny two-level near the Realm where Mr. Conde, his son — also named — and two other move molds, saws, and files. are 2,800 euros ($3,500) for a to 18,000 euros ($23,000) for his .


马里亚诺·孔德( Conde)的吉他铺(Calle ía 1; )是一座两层的手工小作坊,位于皇家剧院附近。孔德先生和他的儿子(名字也叫马里亚诺)带着两名手工艺人在模具、锯子、模板与锉刀之间辛勤劳作。一只标准的弗拉门科吉他售价2800欧元(合3500美元),最精美的古典音乐会吉他售价18000欧元(合23000美元)。


Mr. Conde is a third- maker from the (and now ) house of Conde, and his also the at his own shop (Calle 4; .es). A 10- walk away, on the other side of Plaza Mayor, is of , José Ramírez (Calle de la Paz 8; ), Pedro de (Calle Amor de Dios 13; ) and Juan Á (Calle San Pedro 7; ).

孔德先生是第三代吉他工匠,过去,他的祖上在传说中艾尔玛诺·孔德( Conde)的住宅里制造吉他,尽管那座房子现在已经堙没了。而今,他的哥哥菲利浦也传承了这份家族产业,在附近开了家店铺(Calle 4; .es)。十分钟步程之外,市长广场的对面是另一片吉他作坊聚集地,包括何塞·拉米雷斯(José Ramírez,Calle de la Paz 8; )、佩德罗·德·米格尔(Pedro de ;Calle Amor de Dios 13; )和胡安·阿尔瓦雷斯(Juan Á; Calle San Pedro 7; )的店铺。

A ’s mix of woods is less an than a . Each of the ’s has and , and its maker knows which woods can each . It’s to that the for today’s may have been by the ’ 30 or 40 years ago, just as the and cedar today’s will sit for until it’s to be into by their or .

吉他是多姿多彩的木制工艺品。它不仅是审美,更多是科学的选择。每一把乐器中的每个因素都有特殊的物理与声学要求,工匠懂得哪种木板能够完美呈现相应的功能。想到今天这些制琴材料有可能是这些工匠的父辈们三四十年前采购而来,如今的吉他工匠购买的德国云杉和加拿大雪松也将堆积在库房中等待子孙们数十年后才启用,真让人会心一笑。安德鲁·菲林( )供稿。

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