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文章作者:佚名    时间:2024-01-07 07:02:55


出国留学学位英语范文 第一篇

Going for

The other day I that I would go for right after my . My the of my : Why? Why I a huge sum of money for while I might the same at home at low cost? My is: in to , I can gain that those who stay at home will never have.

First, is the for the real-life use of . While a can study a at home, the can never be with use of the in and life. There is no to - than in the in which it is . in - such as and for years, for , my will be as as .

, and me a of the world. On a , are to their from and areas and are to ideas and . This helps me to have a of and sees my own in a new light.

Third, , and as it may be, is . A going for study often much more in to a new and in with all alone. Yet, the , with the on by shock, is a for one s life and of .

going is and , the is . For the is not , but the in one s life.








出国留学学位英语范文 第二篇

Study or in China?

There is no of among as to study or not. Some are of the view that the go for study if , while take an stand, that it is for to study in a .

Those who agree with that can . They also claim that study can shape they are to deal with all kinds of by . , the other who agree with argue that our have been the past . They also point out that is and .

As far as I am , the holds more . For one thing, it can the to and with from other . For , the still have a lot we need to study. When all the are , we may come to the that is .

出国留学学位英语范文 第三篇

i am to write this for my miss nan li, who from this with an . in june li was to the of law of this in 1974 which is and is open to the whole . even in such a group.

miss li made . as and dean of the , i have to her of work and moral cond uct, in her year study, i her in anglo- laws on . so i have known her quite well. miss li's , like that in many other she taken, was with a grade of 86 for the first , and 84 for the . in our and in other here, 80 is , the level.

as far as i know, miss li to her study in law for an . i am sure she has had for the and has the to the study. i miss li and shall of her .

出国留学学位英语范文 第四篇

Dear Sir,


It is my to Mr. Fu-ping Wang for his to in your .

Mr. Wang has been my of the ’s and the ’ : The Role of . since 1997. His major , and . He is an and young man with high . Mr. Wang is not only quick at and good at , but also with a mind that him to . All the work to him was . , he is so that I him with heavy . With his help, I have been able to spend more time in the paper. I very to have such a .

I am his , with a good and , will him of in his . I his any .


Chung Wei-kuo

出国留学学位英语范文 第五篇

In years, has . of and have gone to to study. Many are no in for going .

has many . In the first place, who have can act as of so as to . , we can learn much more of and from the . , we can enjoy the with new and so as to the of our own . , we can learn a more .

, may have such as in the first few or a . In spite of these,the the . It is to .




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