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文章作者:佚名    时间:2024-01-08 09:02:52


Unit 2 in 9 Mr. Wood a ◆ 教材分析 本课所选的内容是冀教版小学六年级英语第七册第二单元。本单元围绕李明在加拿大的学校 生活展开,要求学生掌握一些有关于校园生活学习的词汇和句型。本课时以上科学课为背景, 要求学生能掌握词汇, , zero, ill,并结合日常生活进行交流,使所学语言功 能化。 ◆ 教学目标 【知识与能力目标】 能够正确听、说、认、读, , zero, ill 等表达温度以及感受的单词,并且能够 在真实的语境中运用这些单词进行表达。 【过程与方法目标】 通过活动培养学生能够正确运用所学习的词汇和句子。 【情感态度价值观目标】 通过情景创设,让学生能够根据天气选择正确的活动,以及穿戴方式,激发和培养学生学习 英语的欲望和乐于运用英语交流的态度和能力。 ◆ 教学重难点 ◆ 【教学重点】 掌握询问温度的用语“What’s now?”和询问某人的体温的句型“What’s you ?”及其答语。


【教学难点】 能够理解 的正确用法。 ◆ 课前准备 ◆ 课件。 ◆ 教学过程 Step 1. The and : T: Good cla . S: Good . T: OK. Let’s play a game cla . PPT2 to word in four to play the train game. (接火车游戏) S1: I’m from … Where are you from? S2: He is from… I am from… Where are you from? S3: He is from… She is from… I am from… Where are you from? S4: … ( : the expre ion of time and lead in new in thi le on, to make a old and new .) Step 2. Topic PPT2. T: What can you see in the ? What’s this? S: . (天气预报/温度计) T: How’s the today? S: It’s … of . Think back of the and of the words “rainy, , cool and warm” Tell that Li Ming is today, and tell him how to . Let’s see what ha ened in the class. Step 3. PPT4-PPT15 learn the first part of the book. PPT4-5, lead to read the text for times until can read it . asks : How’s the today? What’s Li Ming’s ? What’s the ’s ? What’s the of a ? the with , which will be of great for to . PPT6-15 and the in turn. This part is at: (by the , and , the ’ of new . You can to the or give some when you are .) How’s the today, ? 今天天气怎么样,斯蒂芬? This is a led by “how” ,which is used to ask . And “” means“天气”,is an noun, so the verb “be” be “is”. The is:It’s + 表示天气的形容词。


: What’s the like today? It can also be used to . : —How’s the today? =What’s the like today? 今天天气怎么样? —It’s warm. 很暖和。 —What’s the , Kim? 温度是多少,金? —It’s 15 .十五度 The to ask for . This is a led by “what”. If you want to ask of or , you can use the “What’s+形容词性物主代词/名词所有格 + ?” The b :It’s + 数字 + degr (s). 此句中前面与定冠词th连用。

例句: —What’s the now? 现在温度是多少? —It’s 40 . 40 度。 —What’s his/Li Ming’s ? 他的/李明的温度是多少? —It’s 37 . 37 度。 ill /ɪl/ adj.有病的;不舒服 : My cat is ill.我的猫生病了。 Step 4. Let’s do it!(PPT16-20 ) PPT16 on : Read the in this class again and the . What does Mr Wood teach? (He .) What’s the ’s ? (Its is 41.5 degr s.) Is the ill? (No, it’s okay.) Give time to the . check the with , to point out the of of wrong . ( : when they are for items, try to how to solve , which will be good for .) PPT17-20 two: Let’s look at the for today! PPT17 ,show the of . It’s 7 in . It’s and cold. PPT18 ,show the of . Work in pause to chat and write them down. It’s in . It’s . It’s . PPT19 ,show the of . Work in pause to chat and write them down. It’s in . It’s . It’s . PPT20 ,show the of . Work in pause to chat and write them down. It’s in . It’s . It’s . Step 5. Quiz (PPT21-24 ) the PPT an ask to the . the of every . ( : to in this .) Step 6. after class (PPT25 ) Write on the : Key words:its, ill, , Key : How’s the today, ? —What’s the , Kim? —It’s 15 . Step 7. (PPT26 ) 1. the , , , , , is the basic . 2. Read the text , and say a to by the today. 3. the of first part. ◆ 教学反思 略。

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