

大学体验英语综合教程3(第三版)选词填空答案.pdf 4页

文章作者:佚名    时间:2023-12-27 01:01:20

⼤学体验英语综合教程 3 (第三版)选词填空答案 Unit 1 13。 Fill in the blanks with the words given below。 Change the form where n ecessary。 1。 The essayist's Ian guage expresses rich and subtle _________ meanin gs。 2。 The stockbrokers ________ were overtaken __________ by the sharp drop in the stock market last Tuesday。 3。 Biologists have estimated that there are around one milli on ani mal and pla nt ________ species ________________ livi ng in the rai nforests。 4。 In the United States the cost of living has been steadily rising for the past few decades 5。

The quickly grow ing compa ny has ambitious pla ns to expa nd bey ond n ati onal boun daries 6。 That computer store is hav ing a sale of _____ audio _______ software; let's go and have a look。 7。 To be safe, you'd better put on your dark glasses to avoid the sun shi ning directly ________________________ in your eyes。 8。 When the kitche n is fini shed rm going to _______ focus _____ my atte ntio n on the garde n。 9。 In a serious _________ tone ______ , the doctor warned him to keep off sugar。 10。

She ________ cupped ______ her hands around the mug of hot coffee to warm them。 6。 Fill in the bla nks with the words give n below。 Change the form where n ecessary。 1。 The theories of relativity have made ___ fundamental ___________ cha nges in our views of the uni verse。 2。 That is our ________ ultimate _________ proposal, and no other cha nges will be con sidered。 3。 The forest fire was found to be _____ sparked ________ b y a cigarette end。 4。 The speaker had _______ apparently _________ no ticed that his topic was n't popular with the audie nee, so he quickly en ded his speech。

5。 I've no _______ patience ________ with people who are always complai ning of their misfort une。 6。 I have n ever imag ined that I would be the object of such curiosity 7。 The doctors tried to __________ c onvince _______ her that she did n't n eed to be in depressi on about her health。 8。 The police asked him to describe the accide nt in every _____ detail 9。 The quality guarantee and good after-sale services will certainly meet with positive ________ responses ______________ from the con sumers。

10。 The story "Harry Potter" (has) stirred ____________ the imag in ati on of childre n throughout the world。 Unit 3 6。 Fill in the bla nks with the words give n below。 Change the form where 1。 I don't think that the amount of study ing you did in high school would be sufficie nt to ______ attain _________ good marks in uni versity。 2。 Because of the impact of poor sales in other Asia n coun tries, there has bee n a ____ modest ________ decrease in house sales in China this year。 3。 Some young people find computer games so _____ attractive ________ that they can hardly pull themselves away to tend to other matters。


4。 The victim was able to give a ____ precise ________ descripti on of the drunken driver, which was rather helpful to the police。 5。 Some non-gover nmen tal orga ni zati ons are pla nning a public ____ campaign to awake n people to the problem of no ise polluti on。 6。 The cost of produci ng a tube of toothpaste is about 3 yua n, so we will ___ market __________ it at 5。50 yua n。 7。 Mike is now the director of a factory which ____ m anufactures __________ canned food。 8。 Ple nty of football and basketball clubs are eager to _____ sponsor ________ young athletes if they show great promise。

9。 The sweaters are made of wool ____ imported _________ from Australia。 10。 Accord ing to a rece nt survey, youths are begi nning to have a lot of in flue nee on the products and brands ________ their pare nts choose。 Unit 4 6。 Fill in the bla nks with the words give n below。 Change the form where n ecessary。 1。 A hacker attacked an e-commerce marketplace site。 This is the latest in a string ___________ of on li ne break-i ns in which credit card nu mbers were stole n。 2。 The prese nee of IBM's CEO caused a stir _______ of exciteme nt on the campus。

3。 Brow n's comme nts on the project caused un expected con troversy over the budget。 4。 To combat _______ poverty in the city, millio ns of dollars have bee n spe nt on training the un employed workers。 5。 You will be overweight if you con sume excessive _________ amounts of fat。 6。 The effective impleme ntati on of en vir onmen tal laws and _____ regulations is the resp on sibility of the local gover nment。 7。 Trust your _______ i nstinets ________ and do what you thi nk is right。 8。 After 20 hours of non-stop party ing, a han dful of the bravest or most __ reckless _________ men will risk their lives in a three-mi nute dash from six fight ing bulls。

9。 The _____ prohibition__________on street begg ing will be in force n ext mon th。 10。 The court gave the heavy senten ce, resp onding not to the facts but to the ____ irrational _________ public fear。 Unit 5 6。 Fill in the bla nks with the words give n below。 Change the form where 1。 Being the son of a professor does not _____ qualify ______ him for the scholarship con siderati on。 2。 The police suspect that it was Joh n who (had) committed ____________ the murder。 3。 So far, the new man ager has give n little _____ hint _____ that he won't be any differe nt from the former one。

4。 From all the in dicati on s, it is safe to assume _______ that the prices of cars will go dow n by large margins。 5。 Some of his in structi ons are outdated and others are too vague ______ to be un derstood。。 6。 The local dialect sounds a little peculiar _________ to the people from the n orth。 7。 The failure of the movie haste ned her decisi on to ____ retreat _______ f rom the glamorous screen and spend more time with her family。 8。 The woma n's headache _______ puzzled ______ the doctor; he could n't find the cause。


9。 The state has laws that protect con sumers aga inst fraud or ___ misleading sales practices。 10。 He tried to explai n the complicated theory to me, but I got eve n more _ Confused _________ by the tech ni cal terms in his expla natio n。 Unit 6 6。 Fill in the bla nks with the words give n below。 Change the form where 1。 The mayor is scheduled to meet his America n ____ counterpart ________ duri ng his 7-day visit to San Fran cisco。 2。 Mr。 Wils on is quite satisfied with his new secretary because she's much more ____ efficient ______ tha n the former one。

3。 I felt great ______ relief ______ whe n I heard I had passed the exam in ati on。 4。 The regulati ons are so vague _______ that they lead to misi nterpretati on。 5。 Chin ese and mathematics have always bee n the ____ c ore ______ subjects in primary and sec on dary schools in China。 6。 You are expected to get to the in terview punctually ___________ or a few minu tes early。 7。 Gett ing tired of her part ner's all-talk -no-act ion approach __________ , she decided to take the action all by herself。

8。 For the purpose of economy _________ , Mary decided to take lunch box to work every day。 9。 You could not be exempted from the puni shme nt because there can be no exception to the rule。 10。 Strife at home would in vite dan gers from abroad。 Unit7 con fusi on creep curl deepen expose ni ghtmare pulse somewhat throb ulter 1。 As I came to know more about classical music, my love for it _ deepe ned 2。 The soldiers in the ope n field _ were exposed _to the en emy's gunfire and many of them got killed or woun ded。

3。 I saw a little girl ___ curled ___________ up comfortably in an armchair read ing a childre n's magaz ine。 4。 The long climb up the hill made our heart __ _ throb _________ 。 5。 For many years, the September 11 attack on the World Trade Center in New York will remai n a _ _ ni ghtmare ______ for the America n people。 6。 Don't bother about him。 What he has said is __ utter _ nonsen se。 7。 The explosi on at the crowded market place caused great __ con fusi on _in the small tow n。 8。 The doctor felt the patie nt's _ pulse _on her wrist and the n took her temperature。

9。 After the inten sive trai ning, they became __ somewhat _____ more con fide nt than they used to be。 10。 The sight of the rats running about in the house made my flesh __creep __。

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