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文章作者:佚名    时间:2024-01-03 20:05:47




June, July and are for most . But some young pay a high price for that long break. They may much of what they over the past year by the time they start the next grade.


This is often the gap. A the aims to deal with it by more . Some , but often they poor the year.


: " need food, , and other goods …"


On a day, read out loud about in a third-grade class at in , Texas. But the nine- and ten-year-olds were also art. arts Ron works to the two .


RON : "The kids that never get it -- like the that on -- they in this kind of . they just learn ."


RON :“这些孩子们从来都没及格过,大约30%的人总是很难通过考试,但他们在这样的氛围中学得很好,有时他们只是学习方法和别人不同而已。”

In to , the in form by .


BOY: "When I was , I was my and what was ."


GIRL: "You only use the , and you use it to tell the , the the words for you. You don’t need words."


Their has for years. She says art helps with .

他们的老师 教小学已经15年了,她说艺术可以提高记忆力。

: "Even with math, we try to be with it -- it helps their . They . They say, 'Oh, yes, I this ... ' and they’ll go into what we were doing, hands-on, we were doing, to help them it , and to it."



Ms. says who do not take often need to when they in the fall. This is true of low- . They are less , for , to live near both books to read and .


Ed Pauly is of and at the . The group has fifty to study which work best to loss.

Ed Pauly是华里斯基金会研究和评估主任,这家非盈利组织投资了5500万美元来研究哪些项目在预防夏季学习损失上有效。

ED PAULY: "And for poor kids, the loss can be as much as three of that just over the of the . That’s a very part of the gap that kids from low- from kids from more ."

ED PAULY: “对于穷学生来说,这相当于他们在夏日课程上损失了3个月的学校学习。这样很显著的成绩差距将低收入社区孩子和更富裕社区的孩子分开。”

He says one has been to art.


ED PAULY: "We need kids to and math. Arts gets them about being there every day. And the arts use and math. The arts are a great way to tie ."



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