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文章作者:佚名    时间:2024-01-04 01:06:59



关于”生环游世界“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目: the world。以下是关于生环游世界的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

关于”生环游世界“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目: the world。以下是关于生环游世界的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1: the world

My dream when I was a child may be due to the of the film " ". My dream is to be a like Zhang GA. I think if I am a , I swim, dive and climb trees like him.

It looks . So I began to learn . I and trees every day.

, I could do well. But when I high , I the When I was , I found it to be a . I didn't have to bear it.

I had to give up my dream, but I was not . I had a new goal, that is, to be a , or to be more , as a , I could ride my in the and throw on every porch. It was also cool, so I began to learn how to ride , I can walk very fast by bike, but to my , the job I want only in , not in China.


there is no porch in China, have to cram thick into small from very . This work is far from my , so my dream has again, maybe you I have the same . Most of your haven't come true, but I don't think it's if you have a dream, you will make a lot of to it.

If I don't dream of a or a boy, even if our dream can't come true, I won't learn to swim, dive, climb trees or ride a . You will learn from your I've a lot, so what I want to tell us is that help us grow and teach us how to our lives. It is the dream that gives us and makes our life .




Mary Lu , a woman from , , is the she has ever on every and she has . She also did some very , wine from , they spent a lot of time to bring her a glass of wine - in , in the , in , in ATV, mavic, the dance with the - , what was the big deal, just with Lions - , to show you her - ,.





My dream is very . I want to be a in the . Now I want to study hard and help with their .

I want to learn to be and kind, I think it is more to teach how to learn and how to be a good . So I want to learn to be a good first. I can help you.

In order to their , I will guide them to the right path and help them a in the . I was born in a of . My are both .

They are busy for the of and have no time to take care of me. They have saved many lives in their work. are known as "" can help these who have pain and to get rid of their pain and their .

I that can make them happy. I hope to be a like my . I hope I can be a in the .




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