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有关出国留学英语作文汇总六篇.docx 9页VIP

文章作者:佚名    时间:2024-01-04 04:07:04


PAGE 1Word版本 PAGE 1有关出国留学英语作文汇总六篇 有关出国留学英语作文汇总六篇 在平平淡淡的日常中,大家都写过作文吧,借助作文可以提高我们的语言组织力量。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?以下是我帮大家整理的出国留学英语作文6篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 出国留学英语作文 篇1 There is no the fact that is a hotly topic today. , has a of /. In the first place, a can have to and as well as which might not be at home. In the place, he can be to new ideas and . Last but not least, by and in a , one can his much than at home. , as every coin has two sides, also one with a of . For one thing, a is far from an easy thing at the for most . For , a new with and may also be a to , to the young. An added lies with : it can cost a lot to study . From my point of view, the of its . But it is a big to go to study and one take into his and his to adapt to new . , I to go and study if I find it . (, be as a two-edged sword, which us with both and . The best , as I see it, is to take into his and his to adapt to new . , I to go and study if I find it .) 无可否认,出国留学是一个激烈辩论的题目。


明显,出国留学有许多优势。首先,同学能把握先进的科学技术以及相宜的工作条件可能不在家。其次,他可以接触到全新的理念和趋势。最终但并非最不重要的,在国外生活和学习,可以提高自己的外语比在家。 然而,正如每个硬币都有两面,出国留学也面临着一系列的困难。首先,学习一门语言是在大多数人开头从一个简洁的事情。另一方面,一个全新的环境与不同的风俗习惯,也可能是海外同学的障碍,特殊是对年轻人。另一个困难在于资金:它可以花费大量的留学。 从我的角度来看,出国留学的优点大于缺点。但这是一个很大的打算出国学习,一要考虑他的财务状况和他的力量以适应新的环境。就我个人而言,我选择出国学习,假如我觉得有必要。 因此,出国留学应被看作是一二把双刃剑,它给我们带来的好处和麻烦。最好的政策,在我看来,是考虑到他的财务状况和他的力量以适应新的环境。就我个人而言,我选择出国学习,假如我觉得有必要。 出国留学英语作文 篇2 一天,我宣布,我将去国外深造之后我的.高校训练。我的打算能马上反对我的家人:为什么?我为什么要借留学一大笔钱,我可能会接受同样的训练成本相对较低的在家吗?我的答案是:除了学问,我可以获得阅历,那些呆在家里。


首先,阅历是现实生活中使用外语的机会。当一个人在家里学外语,效果无法用语言的学习与生活中不断的使用比较。有没有更好的机会来改善二语力量比生活在母语国家。生活在说英语的国家,如美国和澳大利亚几年,比如,我的英语为母语的人将是完善的。 其次,国外生活和学习供应给我一个不同的世界观。在高校校内里,外国同学很可能遭受来自不同国家和地区的同行和接触到不同的思想和价值观。这让我有一个有意义的理解不同的社会中,不行避开地观察我自己的国家,在一个新的光。 第三,国外的阅历,由于它可能是令人懊丧和苦痛的,是有关心的。一个人出国学习阅历更困难往往难以适应新的文化,在处理全部的问题。然而,困难,加上文化撞击所带来的挫折,是一种有益的阅历对一个人的人格的将来的生活和进展。 尽管出国留学是昂贵的,或许是苦痛的,但这种付出是值得的。不仅仅是对利益的获得的学问,但工作阅历在一个人的生活。 出国留学英语作文 篇3 or home (1) 现在有越来越多的人想出国留学。 (2) 出国留学与在国内学习的对比。 (3) 你的观点 , with the of and , want to study . there are from and , from the , from the , and from all walks of life. what does it and home ? many are crazy about going to their , i think home is . for one thing, you don’t have to take tests such as toefl and gre . this can save you a of time, money and , much of your to be to your foals. in , if you study home ,you can stay with your and old . , while home ,you can enjoy the kind of and which you can only dream of in a , where you will be by your own most of the time. for these , one’s at home is a more and . in a word, i to study home. 出国留学英语作文 篇4 The other day I that I would go for right after my . My the of my : Why? Why I a huge sum of money for while I might the same at home at low cost? My is: in to , I can gain that those who stay at home will never have. First, is the for the real-life use of . While a can study a at home, the can never be with use of the in and life. There is no to - than in the in which it is . in - such as and for years, for , my will be as as . , and me a of the world. On a , are to their from and areas and are to ideas and . This helps me to have a of and sees my own in a new light. Third, , and as it may be, is . A going for study often much more —— in to a new and in with all alone. Yet, the , with the on by shock, is a for one's life and of . going is and , the is . For the is not , but the in one's life. 有一天,我宣布我将出国深造我的高校训练。

我的打算直接引起了我的家人的反对:为什么?我为什么要借一大笔钱为你海外学习?虽然我可能接受相同的训练以相对低的成本在家里?我的答案是:除了学问之外,我可以获得阅历,那些呆在家里不会有。 首先,阅历是实际使用外语的机会。当一个人在家可以学习一门外语,效果不能与常数在学术和日常生活中使用的语言。没有更好的机会来提高其次语言技能比住在乡下的是口头的。生活在说英语的国家,如美国和澳大利亚好几年了,例如,我的英语将会和母语一样完善。 其次,在国外学习和生活供应了我一个不同的角度看世界。在高校校内里,外国同学可能会遇到来自不同国家和地区的同行和暴露于不同的想法和价值观。这可以关心我有一个有意义的理解不同社会和不行避开地看到我的国家在一个新的光。 第三,海外阅历、令人懊丧和苦痛的,由于它可能是,是有关心的。一个人出国留学通常经受更多的困难,难以适应新的文化和仅在处理全部问题。然而,困难,再加上文化冲击带来的挫败感,是一种有益的阅历对将来的生活和共性的进展。 虽然出国是昂贵的,或许苦痛,回报是值得的。获得的好处不仅仅是学问,但阅历可取的个人生活。 出国留学英语作文 篇5 Study or in China? It is in the given above there are two who are about to study or in china.There is no of among as to study or not. Some are of the view that the go for study if , while take an stand. Those who agree with that can ' . They also claim that study can shape ' they are to deal with all kinds of by . , the other who agree with argue that our have been the past . They also point out that is and . As far as I am , the holds more . For one thing, it can the ' to and with from other . For , the still have a lot we need to study. When all the are , we may come to the that is . 出国留学英语作文 篇6 : and . You write at least 150 words: 1. 出国留学有许多好处 2. 出国留学也会遇到许多难题 3. 你的选择 7. : and There is no the fact that is a hotly topic today. , has a of /. In the first place, a can have to and as well as which might not be at home. In the place, he can be to new ideas and . Last but not least, by and in a , one can his much than at home. , as every coin has two sides, also one with a of . For one thing, a is far from an easy thing at the for most . For , a new with and may also be a to , to the young. An added lies with : it can cost a lot to study . From my point of view, the of its . But it is a big to go to study and one take into his and his to adapt to new . , I to go and study if I find it . 【有关出国留学英语作文汇总六篇】

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